
Tuesday 21 October 2014

Josh and the fairy

Josh & the Tooth Fairy    
By Beverley Wood

  1. Who are the characters in the story? Josh Mum and Dad

  1. Why did Josh love it when the tooth fairy arrived because he got money

  1. Where did Josh’s grandmother put her tooth In a glass of water beside her bed

  1. What would be under the mat the morning after Josh put a tooth there A gold coin

  1. What was one of dad’s suggestions to get Josh’s tooth out he will use the pliers

  1. What happened when dad put cow’s teeth under the mat got a pile a hay under the mat

  1. Why was there a small pile of hay left under the mat because the dad put cow teeth under the mat

  1. Which illustration(picture) in the story is your favourite page 21 and why because  there is hay under the mat

  1. Unjumble these words

  1. Why do you need to brush your teeth morning and night so they can get healthy and clean